jenkins interview questions

Top 80+ Jenkins Interview Questions and Answers

Jenkins is a widely used open-source automation tool that helps automate parts of the software development process. It is used for Continuous Integration (CI) as well as Continuous Delivery (CD) which depicts that the software can be built, tested and deployed quickly and efficiently. Jenkins can interface with a wide range of tools, due to its large plugin architecture.


In this blog, we will cover some of the most common and important Jenkins interview questions, especially for fresher, intermediate and seasoned candidates. By the end, you will clearly understand what the key concepts behind Jenkins are and be in a position to attend Jenkins-related interviews.


What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is an open-source automation server which is used for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) open-source automation server. By allowing developers to automate the processes of creating, testing, and deploying the code, it ensures quick and efficient software development processes.


Due to the large number of plugins that are available for Jenkins, it is very powerful. It is highly flexible as it can be integrated with a wide variety of tools such as Git, Maven, Docker, and Kubernetes. This feature enhances the development flows of the teams and allows for the automatic loading and validating of code changes in the system without manual intervention.


In addition to automating repetitive tasks, Jenkins improves collaboration between team members by detecting and fixing bugs early in the development cycle. Itโ€™s easy to set up and use a web-based graphical interface which is why the tool is often chosen for both individual and enterprise-scale professional applications. Continual building of applications on different nodes is supported in Jenkins, which can boost productivity and decrease the building time. All the reasons provided justify the importance of Jenkins in the contemporary DevOps age.

Who Should Prepare for Jenkins Interview Questions?

Anyone involved in the software development lifecycle who wants to work with automation and continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD) should be prepared for Jenkins interview questions. Itโ€™s especially important for:


  • DevOps engineers.
  • Build and release engineers.
  • Automation testers.
  • Software developers looking to automate CI/CD processes.
  • System administrators managing CI/CD pipelines.
  • Project managers overseeing software development processes.

Basic Jenkins Interview Questions for Freshers

What is Jenkins used for?

In software development, Jenkins is mainly used for Continuous Integration (CI), and Continuous Delivery (CD). It manages the whole process of compiling, testing, and deploying an application for run time. With Jenkins, developers can quickly spot and rectify integration issues by ensuring that every time a change is made to a particular code, the system runs builds and tests. It is compatible with numerous devices and operating systems, speeding up the workflow while minimising the efforts done manually in the development process of applications.

List some features of Jenkins.

  • Open-source and free to use.
  • Easily configurable web-based interface.
  • Large plugin ecosystem for integrating with tools like Git, Docker, Maven, etc.
  • Distributed builds for handling multiple builds across various machines.
  • Pipeline support for CI/CD workflows.
  • Extensible with plugins and scripting options.
  • Supports multiple version control systems.
  • Automated testing and reporting.
  • Scalable and can be used in both small and large projects.

How to trigger a build in Jenkins manually?

To manually trigger a build in Jenkins, follow these steps:

  • Log in to the Jenkins dashboard.
  • Navigate to the job you want to build.
  • Click on the job name to open the job details page.
  • On the left side, click on the “Build Now” button.
  • You will see a new build appear in the “Build History” section, and Jenkins will start the process.
  • You can click on the build number to view the progress and logs.

Mention the steps required to install Jenkins.


  • Java should be installed (JDK 8 or newer).

Steps to install Jenkins:

  1. Download Jenkins from the official website or install it via package managers (e.g., apt for Ubuntu).
  2. Install Jenkins using the downloaded package or command:

sudo apt install jenkins

  1. Start Jenkins using:

sudo systemctl start jenkins

  1. Open Jenkins in your browser by navigating to http://localhost:8080.
  2. Unlock Jenkins by entering the initial admin password from the default path.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation and configure Jenkins.

What commands can start Jenkins?

For Linux/Ubuntu, use:

sudo systemctl start jenkins

For Windows, start Jenkins as a service from the Services app or using the command line:

net start jenkins

You can also run the Jenkins WAR file directly using:

java -jar jenkins.war

What are the differences between Jenkins X and Jenkins?

Feature Jenkins Jenkins X
Purpose General-purpose automation server for CI/CD. Cloud-native CI/CD platform built for Kubernetes.
Kubernetes Integration Requires additional plugins for Kubernetes integration. Natively built to work with Kubernetes and Docker.
Pipeline Type Supports declarative and scripted pipelines with flexibility. Focuses on automated GitOps-style pipelines for cloud-native applications.
Complexity More manual configuration but highly flexible. More automated and streamlined for Kubernetes environments.
Installation Can be installed on any server or local machine. Designed for cloud-based Kubernetes clusters.
GitOps Support No native GitOps support, requires custom setup. Fully supports GitOps for continuous deployment.
Target Audience Suitable for a wide range of CI/CD workflows. Best suited for teams working with microservices and cloud-native applications.

What is Groovy in Jenkins?

Groovy is a scripting language used in Jenkins to write pipeline scripts and automate tasks. It is a Java-syntax compatible language that is highly flexible, making it a popular choice for Jenkins pipelines. With Groovy, developers can create declarative or scripted pipelines, configure Jenkins jobs, and customise workflows with powerful scripting capabilities.

What is the default path for the Jenkins password when you install it?

The default Jenkins password can be found at:


This password is required for the first-time login after Jenkins installation. After accessing Jenkins for the first time, you will be prompted to reset the password.

How to integrate Git with Jenkins?

To integrate Git with Jenkins, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Git plugin:
    1. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.
    2. Under the “Available” tab, search for Git Plugin and install it.
  2. Configure Git in Jenkins:
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration.
    2. Scroll to the “Git” section and add the path to your Git installation.
  3. Set up a Jenkins job:
    1. Create a new job or open an existing one.
    2. Under the Source Code Management section, select Git.
    3. Enter the repository URL and branch details.
    4. Add Git credentials if needed.
  4. Save and run the job. Jenkins will now pull the code from the specified Git repository for builds.

How do you script a password-secured authenticated request in a Jenkins pipeline?

Example using credentials:

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Request') {

steps {

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials', usernameVariable: 'USER', passwordVariable: 'PASS')]) {

sh 'curl -u $USER:$PASS'






What does โ€œPoll SCMโ€ mean in Jenkins?

Polling the SCM (Source Control Management) in Jenkins means that Jenkins will periodically check the source code repository for changes. If any changes are detected, Jenkins will automatically trigger a new build.

Steps to configure Poll SCM:

  • Open the Jenkins job configuration.
  • Scroll down to the Build Triggers section.
  • Check the Poll SCM option.
  • Define the polling schedule using cron syntax (e.g., H/5 * * * * to check every 5 minutes).

Differentiate between Jenkins freestyle project and pipeline project.

Feature Freestyle Project Pipeline Project
Definition Basic Jenkins job that runs a set of predefined steps. More advanced project that uses Groovy-based pipelines.
Flexibility Limited to sequential build steps. Highly flexible, supports parallel builds and complex workflows.
Version Control Cannot be versioned easily. Can be versioned using Jenkinsfiles.
Plugins Supports plugins but with limitations. Fully supports plugin integration and customization.
Reusability Hard to reuse configurations. Pipelines can be reused and shared easily.
Code as Configuration Not supported. Fully supports code-based configuration.

What is the Jenkins home directory path?

The Jenkins home directory is the place where Jenkins stores all of its configurations, logs, and build artefacts. By default, the path for Jenkins home directory is:


You can change this path by modifying the Jenkins configuration files.

What is a Jenkins agent?

A Jenkins agent (also called a node) is a machine that performs the tasks assigned by the Jenkins controller (master). Agents can run on different operating systems, and they help distribute builds across various machines. This allows Jenkins to run multiple builds simultaneously, improving the efficiency of the CI/CD pipeline.

ย Differentiate between Jenkins and Hudson.

Feature Jenkins Hudson
Origin Forked from Hudson in 2011 Original project before the split
Ownership Maintained by the Jenkins community Owned by Oracle
Development Speed Rapid development and regular updates Slower development
Community Support Large, active community Smaller community after the fork
Plugins Extensive plugin ecosystem Limited plugin development
Adoption Widely adopted in the CI/CD space Less popular after the split

How to restart Jenkins?

To restart Jenkins, you can use one of the following methods:

From the Jenkins web interface:

  1. Go to http://<jenkins_url>/restart.
  2. This will initiate a safe restart.

From the command line:

sudo systemctl restart jenkins

What is the default port number for Jenkins?

The default port number for Jenkins is 8080. When you install Jenkins, it runs on http://localhost:8080 by default. You can change the port number by modifying the Jenkins configuration file (/etc/default/jenkins).

Differentiate between continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment

Concept Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous Delivery (CD) Continuous Deployment
Purpose Automates code integration and testing Prepares code for deployment Fully automates deployment to production
Automation Level Builds and tests are automated Builds, tests, and releases are automated Entire process from build to deployment is automated
Deployment Deployment is manual Deployment is manual Deployment is automatic
Goal Detect bugs early Ensure code is always ready for release Automate the release process entirely

What are the types of build triggers in Jenkins?

  • Poll SCM: Jenkins periodically checks the repository for changes and triggers a build if any changes are detected.
  • Build Periodically: Jenkins triggers a build based on a specified schedule using cron syntax.
  • Trigger builds remotely: Allows builds to be triggered via an external URL or API.
  • GitHub hook trigger: Jenkins triggers a build whenever thereโ€™s a push to the GitHub repository.
  • Build after other projects are built: Triggers a build after the completion of another specified job.

How would you create a pipeline in Jenkins that implements manual user approval to continue?

You can use the input step in a Jenkins pipeline to implement manual user approval.



pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

echo 'Building...'



stage('Approval') {

steps {

input 'Proceed with deployment?'



stage('Deploy') {

steps {

echo 'Deploying...'





The pipeline pauses at the Approval stage until a user manually approves it.

List some useful Jenkins plugins.

  • Git Plugin: Integrates Git with Jenkins, allowing jobs to pull code from Git repositories.
  • Maven Integration Plugin: Helps build Maven-based projects.
  • Pipeline Plugin: Enables Jenkins pipeline as code, allowing users to define jobs in a Jenkinsfile.
  • Slack Notification Plugin: Sends build notifications to Slack channels.
  • Docker Plugin: Allows Jenkins to integrate with Docker for building and deploying containers.
  • Credentials Plugin: Manages and stores credentials securely for jobs.

How do you develop your own Jenkins plugins?

To develop your own Jenkins plugin:

  1. Set up the environment: Install Java and Maven on your development machine.
  2. Generate a plugin project: Use the Jenkins Plugin Archetype to create a new plugin project:

mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=io.jenkins.archetypes:

  1. Implement the plugin:
    1. Write the Java code for the plugin and its configuration.
    2. Extend Jenkinsโ€™ functionality by using its API.
  2. Package and test the plugin:
    1. Build the plugin using Maven:

mvn package

    1. Test the plugin in a local Jenkins instance.
  1. Deploy the plugin: Upload the plugin to the Jenkins update centre or distribute it privately.

Differentiate between a Jenkinsfile and a scripted pipeline

Feature Jenkinsfile Scripted Pipeline
Type Declarative syntax Scripted Groovy syntax
Ease of use Easier to read and write, beginner-friendly Requires more Groovy knowledge
Structure Predefined structure with limited flexibility Highly flexible, can be customised extensively
Best for Simple pipelines Complex pipelines with dynamic behaviour
Version Control Can be versioned along with source code Can also be versioned, but less standardised

ย What can you do to create a backup and copying of files in Jenkins?

To create a backup and copy files in Jenkins, follow these steps:

  • Backup the Jenkins home directory: This directory (/var/lib/jenkins) contains all the configurations, jobs, and build history. Regularly copy or sync this directory to a backup location using tools like rsync or scp.
  • Backup specific job configurations: Navigate to the job folder in the Jenkins home directory and back up individual job configurations if necessary.
  • Use Jenkins plugins: Install the ThinBackup or Backup Plugin to automate regular backups and store them in a designated location.
  • Archive builds and artefacts: Jenkins can be configured to archive build artefacts and store them for future retrieval.

Can you list some continuous integration tools except Jenkins?

  • TeamCity
  • CircleCI
  • Travis CI
  • GitLab CI
  • Bamboo
  • Buildbot
  • Hudson
  • GoCD

How are Maven, Ant, and Jenkins different?

Feature Maven Ant Jenkins
Type Build tool Build tool Continuous Integration and Delivery tool
Configuration Uses POM (Project Object Model) files Uses XML build scripts Uses jobs, pipelines, and plugins
Automation Primarily for project management and build Primarily for scripting and task automation Manages complete CI/CD pipelines
Dependency Management Handles dependencies automatically No built-in dependency management No direct dependency management
Integration Works with Jenkins, Ant, and other tools Can be integrated with Jenkins Integrates with various tools like Git, Maven, etc.
Purpose Builds, manages dependencies, and deploys Automates individual tasks Automates the entire build and deployment process

Explain the CI/CD pipeline.

The CI/CD pipeline is a fully automated workflow that includes continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD). The pipeline has been designed to have all the code able to go through various automated steps such as building, testing and even deploying.


  • Continuous Integration (CI): The developers integrate their codes to a centralised code repository on a regular basis. The Jenkins Server takes care of building and testing the code, not allowing bugs to persist any longer.
  • Continuous Delivery (CD): Once the code passes all tests, it is automatically prepared for release, and deployment can happen with minimal manual intervention.
  • Stages in a typical CI/CD pipeline:
  • Stages in a typical CI/CD pipeline:
    • Source stage: Detects changes in the version control system (e.g., Git).
    • Build stage: Compiles the source code.
    • Test stage: Runs unit tests to validate code.
    • Deploy stage: Deploys the tested build to a production-like environment.

What is the language used to write the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline?

Jenkins CI/CD pipeline is based on the Groovy programming language which is designed as a Java-based scripting language. Groovy is also employed in the creation of declarative and scripted pipelines that help users in Jenkins customization.

How to maintain a CI/CD pipeline of Jenkins in GitHub?

Use a Jenkinsfile: Create a Jenkinsfile in your GitHub repository. This file defines the pipeline using Groovy.

Example structure:

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

sh 'make build'



stage('Test') {

steps {

sh 'make test'



stage('Deploy') {

steps {

sh 'make deploy'





Set up a webhook in GitHub: Go to your GitHub repositoryโ€™s settings and add a Jenkins webhook (/github-webhook/).

Configure Jenkins:

  • In the Jenkins job configuration, select GitHub project and link your repository.
  • Under Build Triggers, check the GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling.

What is Jenkins X?

Jenkins X is an open-source solution for automating CI/CD for cloud-native applications. It is built on top of Kubernetes and is designed to streamline and automate the process of deploying applications to cloud environments. Jenkins X supports GitOps, which is a model for managing infrastructure using Git repositories as the source of truth.

How does Jenkins’ integration with Git differ from its integration with SVN?

Feature Git SVN
Distributed System Git is a distributed version control system, allowing each user to have a full copy of the repository. SVN is a centralised version control system where the repository is stored in a single location.
Branching and Merging Git allows lightweight, fast branching and merging, encouraging frequent feature branches. SVN branches are heavier, making them less commonly used compared to Git.
Integration with Jenkins Jenkins integrates with Git using the Git plugin, providing features like polling and webhooks to trigger jobs. Jenkins integrates with SVN using the Subversion plugin but lacks some of the advanced features Git offers for modern workflows.
Speed Git operations (like committing and branching) are generally faster. SVN may be slower due to its centralised nature.
Usage More commonly used in modern CI/CD setups. Still in use in legacy systems, but declining.

How to mention the tools configured in the Jenkins pipeline?

In a Jenkins pipeline, tools like Maven, JDK, and Git can be configured and mentioned using the tools block.


pipeline {

agent any

tools {

maven 'Maven 3.6.3'

jdk 'JDK 1.8'


stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

sh 'mvn clean install'





Here, the Maven and JDK tools are defined and automatically used in the pipeline.

List the names of three pipelines in Jenkins.

  • Declarative Pipeline: A simpler, structured syntax used for most pipelines.
  • Scripted Pipeline: A more powerful and flexible pipeline written in pure Groovy.
  • Multibranch Pipeline: Automatically creates and manages pipelines for each branch in a repository.

Write a sample Jenkins pipeline example.

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

echo 'Building...'

sh 'mvn clean install'



stage('Test') {

steps {

echo 'Testing...'

sh 'mvn test'



stage('Deploy') {

steps {

echo 'Deploying...'

sh 'scp target/*.jar user@server:/path/to/deploy'





This example defines three stages: build, test, and deploy.

Explain the Jenkins pipeline.

The Jenkins pipeline is a suite of plugins that allows users to model their build, test, and deployment workflows as code. By defining a pipeline in a Jenkinsfile, users can create a structured process that automates the CI/CD lifecycle. Pipelines can be declarative or scripted and offer features like parallel builds, sequential stages, and post-build actions.

Intermediate Jenkins Interview Questions

How do you script a password-secured authenticated request in a Jenkins pipeline?

To securely make authenticated requests in a Jenkins pipeline, you can use credentials and environment variables to avoid exposing passwords in the script.

Example using a password in an HTTP request:

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Authenticated Request') {

steps {

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials-id', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) {

sh '''








What is the process to configure third-party tools in Jenkins?

To configure third-party tools in Jenkins, follow these steps:

  1. Install the relevant plugin: Jenkins integrates with most third-party tools via plugins. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins and install the plugin for the tool you wish to configure.
  2. Configure the tool globally:
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration.
    2. Add the configuration for the tool (e.g., Maven, Git, Docker) by specifying the installation path or version.
  3. Configure the tool for specific jobs: When creating or configuring a Jenkins job, you can use the configured tool in the build steps or pipelines.

Compare Jenkins with Bamboo.

Feature Jenkins Bamboo
Licence Open-source Commercial (licensed by Atlassian)
Ease of Setup Requires some manual setup Easier setup with out-of-the-box features
Plugin Ecosystem Extensive plugin ecosystem Limited plugin support compared to Jenkins
Integration Integrates with various third-party tools Tight integration with Atlassian products
Flexibility Highly flexible with large community support Limited flexibility outside of Atlassian suite
Scalability Scalable with distributed builds Good scalability with remote agents
Cost Free to use Paid with a free trial

What is a multi-configuration project in Jenkins?

A multi-configuration project in Jenkins, also known as a matrix project, allows you to run the same build in different environments. This is useful for testing your application on multiple operating systems, JDK versions, or hardware configurations.

Differentiate between declarative and scripted pipelines in Jenkins.

Feature Declarative Pipeline Scripted Pipeline
Syntax Simple, structured syntax Written in Groovy with fewer restrictions
Complexity Easier to use for beginners More powerful but complex for advanced users
Error Handling Automatic error handling with post blocks Requires manual error handling
Use Case Ideal for simple to moderately complex pipelines Suitable for complex pipelines needing dynamic behaviour
Parallel Execution Built-in support Requires custom scripting

What is a freestyle project in Jenkins?

A freestyle project in Jenkins is the most basic type of Jenkins job, allowing users to define simple build steps. It can integrate with version control systems and run shell commands or scripts, but it lacks the flexibility and power of pipeline projects.

Key features:

  • Basic build configuration without extensive scripting.
  • Supports version control systems like Git and SVN.
  • Ideal for simple jobs that do not require complex workflows.
  • Easy to configure but limited in terms of advanced automation.

How does Jenkins compare to other CI tools like Travis CI and CircleCI?

Feature Jenkins Travis CI CircleCI
Licence Open-source Free for open-source, paid for private Free for open-source, paid for private
Customization Highly customizable Limited customization Limited customization
Hosting Self-hosted or cloud-hosted Cloud-hosted Cloud-hosted
Plugin Ecosystem Large plugin ecosystem Limited Limited
Setup Manual setup required Minimal setup with integrated GitHub Minimal setup with integrated GitHub
Scalability Scalable with distributed builds Scalable for smaller projects Scalable with parallel jobs and Docker

What is an agent directive in Jenkins?

An agent directive in Jenkins defines where and how a Jenkins pipeline will run. It specifies the node or machine where the job should execute, and whether it should run on the Jenkins controller or a connected agent.

Key options for the agent directive:

  • any: The job can run on any available agent.
  • none: No agent is allocated (useful for declarative pipelines with manual stages).
  • label: Specifies a specific agent or group of agents based on labels (e.g., agent { label ‘linux’ }).
  • docker: Runs the job inside a Docker container (e.g., agent { docker ‘maven:3-alpine’ }).

Compare the features of Jenkins and TeamCity

Feature Jenkins TeamCity
Licence Open-source Free and paid licences
Ease of Use Requires more manual configuration Easier to set up with an intuitive UI
Plugin Ecosystem Extensive plugin ecosystem Built-in integrations with popular tools
Customization Highly customizable Limited customization with out-of-the-box tools
Scalability Scalable with distributed builds Scalable but more suitable for smaller teams
Cost Free Free for small teams, paid for enterprise

What is the use of Jenkins with Selenium?

Through Selenium, Jenkins can be used to automate the testing of web applications. When you create the Jenkins job or the pipeline, you can also execute the Selenium test scripts automatically as part of the CI/CD pipeline. This is done to make sure that changes to the codebase do not introduce any bugs or break existing functionality.

Benefits of Jenkins-Selenium integration:

  • Automated browser-based testing.
  • Continuous testing as part of the build process.
  • Parallel execution of tests on multiple environments.
  • Provides detailed test reports and logs.

Explain how to integrate Kubernetes with Jenkins.

To integrate Kubernetes with Jenkins, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Kubernetes plugin:
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.
    2. Install the Kubernetes plugin.
  2. Set up a Kubernetes cluster: Ensure that you have access to a running Kubernetes cluster.
  3. Configure Jenkins to use Kubernetes:
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
    2. In the “Cloud” section, add a new Kubernetes cloud configuration.
    3. Provide the Kubernetes API URL and credentials.
  4. Run Jenkins agents in Kubernetes: Jenkins will now use Kubernetes to run agents dynamically in containers for your jobs.
  5. Create a pipeline that utilises Kubernetes: You can use the Kubernetes plugin in your pipeline scripts to run jobs in Docker containers orchestrated by Kubernetes.

List some default environmental variables in Jenkins.

  • BUILD_ID: The build ID of the current job.
  • BUILD_NUMBER: The build number for the job.
  • JOB_NAME: The name of the job being executed.
  • WORKSPACE: The directory where Jenkins is running the job.
  • NODE_NAME: The name of the node on which Jenkins is running the job.
  • JENKINS_URL: The URL of the Jenkins instance.
  • BUILD_URL: The URL for the current buildโ€™s web page.

Differentiate between the “Poll SCM” trigger and the “Webhook” trigger in Jenkins.

Feature Poll SCM Webhook
Definition Jenkins periodically checks the source control for changes. Jenkins listens for events sent by the version control system when changes occur.
Polling Frequency Configurable through cron-like syntax Instant trigger without polling
Load on Jenkins Can increase load due to frequent checks Less load as it triggers only on changes
Use Case Suitable when external webhooks are not supported or accessible Ideal for real-time updates and instant build triggering
Configuration Requires setting up a schedule in Jenkins Requires configuring a webhook in the source control system (e.g., GitHub)

How can you create a freestyle project job in Jenkins?

To create a freestyle project job in Jenkins, follow these steps:

  • Log in to Jenkins.
  • Click on “New Item” in the left-hand menu.
  • Enter a name for the job.
  • Select “Freestyle project” and click OK.
  • Configure the project by specifying the source code management, build triggers, and build steps.
  • Save the configuration.
  • You can now trigger builds manually or set automatic triggers.

What are some of the critical aspects of the Jenkins pipeline?

  • Stages: Define different stages of the build process, such as build, test, and deploy.
  • Parallel Execution: Jenkins pipelines support parallel execution, allowing different tasks to run simultaneously.
  • Error Handling: Pipelines have built-in support for error handling using post blocks.
  • Version Control: Pipelines are typically defined in a Jenkinsfile, which can be stored in version control systems.
  • Reusable Code: Groovy scripts and shared libraries can be used to avoid repetitive code.
  • Declarative and Scripted: Jenkins supports both declarative and scripted pipeline syntax.

Compare Jenkins plugin types: core vs. custom plugins.

Feature Core Plugins Custom Plugins
Definition Plugins maintained by the Jenkins project. Plugins created by users or third-party developers.
Stability Generally more stable and thoroughly tested. Maybe experimental or less stable.
Support Supported by the Jenkins community. Support depends on the creator or community.
Functionality Provides core functionalities like Git integration, pipelines, and authentication. Extends Jenkins functionality based on specific use cases.
Updates Regularly updated by the Jenkins project. Updates depend on the plugin developer.

How can you use the “Role-based Authorization Strategy” plugin to configure access control?

  • Install the “Role-based Authorization Strategy” plugin from Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.
  • After installation, go to Manage Jenkins > Configure Global Security.
  • Under the “Authorization” section, select “Role-Based Strategy”.
  • Define roles under Manage Jenkins > Manage and Assign Roles. Create global roles, project roles, and assign permissions.
  • Assign users or groups to specific roles under the “Assign Roles” tab.
  • Save the configuration to enforce role-based access control across Jenkins.

What could be the steps to move or copy Jenkins from one server to another?

  1. Backup Jenkins: Copy the Jenkins home directory (/var/lib/jenkins) to a backup location.
  2. Install Jenkins on the new server: Install the same version of Jenkins on the new server.
  3. Copy Jenkins data: Transfer the contents of the Jenkins home directory from the old server to the new one.
  4. Restore configurations: Ensure all plugins, job configurations, and credentials are restored by copying over the data.
  5. Start Jenkins: Start the Jenkins service on the new server and verify that the jobs and configurations have been successfully migrated.

How to handle parallel jobs in Jenkins pipelines?

You can define parallel stages in Jenkins using the parallel block.


pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Parallel Jobs') {

parallel {

stage('Job 1') {

steps {

echo 'Running Job 1...'



stage('Job 2') {

steps {

echo 'Running Job 2...'







What is the process of making a multibranch pipeline in Jenkins?

  1. In Jenkins, click on “New Item”.
  2. Select “Multibranch Pipeline” and provide a name.
  3. Configure the Branch Sources: Add your Git, GitHub, or Bitbucket repository as a branch source.
  4. Jenkins will automatically scan the repository for branches containing a Jenkinsfile.
  5. Configure additional settings like build triggers and pipeline behaviours.
  6. Save the configuration, and Jenkins will create pipelines for each branch found in the repository.

What is DSL Jenkins?

DSL (Domain Specific Language) in Jenkins is used to create and manage Jenkins jobs programmatically. Using the Job DSL Plugin, you can define jobs as code with Groovy scripts. The scripts are then executed in Jenkins to create or modify jobs.

Benefits of DSL in Jenkins:

  • Jobs can be version-controlled along with the code.
  • Reduces the need for manual job creation.
  • Provides consistency and scalability for managing large numbers of jobs.

How does the Jenkins REST API interact with Jenkins?

The Jenkins REST API allows users and external systems to interact with Jenkins programmatically. You can retrieve information, trigger builds, and manage jobs using HTTP requests.

Common API endpoints:

  • Trigger a build:

curl -X POST http://<jenkins_url>/job/<job_name>/build?token=<token>

  • Get build information:

curl http://<jenkins_url>/job/<job_name>/<build_number>/api/json

  • List all jobs:

curl http://<jenkins_url>/api/json

How do Maven and Gradle differ when used with Jenkins?

Feature Maven Gradle
Build System Type XML-based project management and build tool. Groovy-based build automation tool.
Configuration Uses pom.xml for project configuration. Uses build.gradle for configuration.
Speed Slower due to its reliance on XML and fewer performance optimizations. Faster, thanks to incremental builds and a more optimised build system.
Dependency Management Well-known for robust dependency management. Also strong but with more flexibility and better performance.
Integration with Jenkins Works with the Maven Integration Plugin for building Java projects. Works with the Gradle Plugin for building and automating project tasks.

How do you use Jenkins to automate your testing process?

  • Configure SCM: Set up Jenkins to pull code from your repository (e.g., GitHub).
  • Set up the testing framework: Install any required plugins for your test framework (JUnit, Selenium, etc.).
  • Create a build job or pipeline: Add a build step to run tests, such as executing test scripts or using mvn test for Maven projects.
  • Post-build actions: Set up post-build actions like test result publishing, archiving artefacts, or triggering notifications for failed tests.
  • Continuous testing: Jenkins will automatically run tests on every code commit, ensuring that the codebase remains bug-free.

Advance Jenkins Interview Questions for Experienced

What is a Jenkins shared library and how is it useful?

A Jenkins shared library is a collection of reusable pipeline scripts that can be used across multiple Jenkins jobs. This feature enables teams to store common pipeline code in a version-controlled repository, making it easy to reuse and maintain consistent workflows across different projects.

Example of using a shared library in a Jenkinsfile:

@Library('my-shared-library') _

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

script {







How to secure sensitive information such as passwords or API keys in Jenkins?

  • Credentials Plugin: Use Jenkins’ Credentials Plugin to store sensitive information like passwords, API keys, and tokens securely.
  • Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials to add credentials.
  • Credentials can be referenced in pipelines using the withCredentials block.
  • Masking Passwords in Console Output: Use the Mask Passwords Plugin to ensure passwords or sensitive data do not appear in the console output.
  • Environment Variables: Securely store sensitive information in environment variables and use them in build steps or pipeline scripts.

Explain how to parameterize a Jenkins build.

Parameterizing a Jenkins build allows users to input different values when triggering a job, enabling more flexibility in job execution. To parameterize a build:

  1. Go to the job configuration.
  2. Check the “This project is parameterized” option.
  3. Add different types of parameters:
    1. String Parameter: For user input.
    2. Boolean Parameter: Checkbox for true/false input.
    3. Choice Parameter: Dropdown for selecting from a list of values.
    4. File Parameter: For uploading files.
  4. Use these parameters in your build steps or pipeline scripts using the variable ${PARAMETER_NAME}.

Explain Jenkins Credential Provider API.

The Jenkins Credential Provider API allows plugins and jobs to securely store, retrieve, and use sensitive information such as passwords, API tokens, and SSH keys. It ensures that credentials are not hardcoded in scripts or exposed in the Jenkins console.

Example usage of credentials in a pipeline:

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Use Credentials') {

steps {

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'my-credentials-id', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) {

sh 'echo $USERNAME'






What are the three security mechanisms Jenkins uses to authenticate users?

  • Built-in user database: Jenkins can manage its own user database and provide login access to users.
  • LDAP Authentication: Jenkins can integrate with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) to authenticate users based on an external user directory.
  • OAuth and SSO: Jenkins supports authentication through third-party systems such as Google OAuth, GitHub OAuth, or other Single Sign-On (SSO) providers via plugins.

These mechanisms help ensure that only authorised users can access and manage Jenkins.

Elaborate on the steps Jenkins uses to manage and automate infrastructure changes using Terraform.

  1. Install Terraform: Ensure Terraform is installed on the Jenkins nodes or agents.
  2. Configure Terraform Plugin (optional): Install the Terraform Plugin in Jenkins for seamless integration.
  3. Set up a Jenkins pipeline: In your pipeline, add stages for initialising Terraform, applying configurations, and planning infrastructure changes.

Example of using Terraform in a Jenkins pipeline:

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Terraform Init') {

steps {

sh 'terraform init'



stage('Terraform Plan') {

steps {

sh 'terraform plan'



stage('Terraform Apply') {

steps {

sh 'terraform apply -auto-approve'




  1. Source control management: Store Terraform configuration files (.tf) in version control to track changes.
  2. Automate infrastructure changes: Jenkins triggers Terraform commands to manage infrastructure, automating tasks like resource creation, updating, or destruction.

Explain how Jenkins is used to build and test containers.

Jenkins integrates with Docker to automate the building, testing, and deployment of containers. This is typically done by defining Docker build steps in a pipeline to handle container operations.


  1. Install Docker on Jenkins: Ensure Docker is installed on the Jenkins server or agents.
  2. Install Docker Pipeline Plugin: This allows Jenkins to interact with Docker from pipeline scripts.
  3. Define Docker build steps in the pipeline:
    1. Build the container image.
    2. Run the container for testing.
    3. Push the image to a registry (e.g., Docker Hub).

Example Jenkins pipeline for Docker:

pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build Docker Image') {

steps {

script {'my-app-image')




stage('Test Docker Image') {

steps {

script {

docker.image('my-app-image').inside {

sh ''





stage('Push Docker Image') {

steps {

script {

docker.withRegistry('', 'docker-credentials-id') {








What is the use of the JENKINS_HOME directory?

The JENKINS_HOME directory is the central location where Jenkins stores all of its configurations, job definitions, build logs, and plugins. It contains the following:

  • Job configurations: Stores the configuration of all Jenkins jobs.
  • Build history: Retains the build logs and artefacts of every job.
  • Plugins: Contains the installed Jenkins plugins.
  • User settings: Stores information about Jenkins users and their settings.

By backing up this directory, you can restore Jenkins in case of a system failure.

How does the master-slave architecture in Jenkins compare to the agent architecture?

Feature Master-Slave Architecture Agent Architecture
Definition Jenkins controller (master) manages the jobs, and slaves (agents) execute the jobs. Agent performs builds, managed by the Jenkins controller.
Resource Utilisation Slaves distribute load, allowing jobs to run on multiple machines. Agents perform the same function by offloading builds from the controller.
Scalability Highly scalable with multiple slaves connected to a master. Similar scalability using multiple agents for parallel execution.
Setup Complexity Requires manual setup and configuration of slaves. Easier to set up using agents with newer Jenkins versions.
Use Cases Ideal for complex, distributed workloads. Same concept, with updated terminology (agents instead of slaves).

Describe the process of setting up a secured Jenkins master with SSL.

  1. Generate an SSL certificate: Use tools like OpenSSL to generate a self-signed certificate or obtain a certificate from a trusted CA.

openssl genrsa -out jenkins.key 2048

openssl req -new -key jenkins.key -out jenkins.csr

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in jenkins.csr -signkey jenkins.key -out jenkins.crt

  1. Configure Jenkins to use SSL:
    1. Open the Jenkins configuration file (e.g., /etc/default/jenkins).
    2. Modify the JENKINS_ARGS to include the HTTPS port and SSL certificate paths:

–httpsPort=8443 –httpsCertificate=/path/to/jenkins.crt –httpsPrivateKey=/path/to/jenkins.key

  1. Restart Jenkins:

sudo systemctl restart jenkins

  1. Access Jenkins securely: Open Jenkins in a browser using https://<jenkins_url>:8443.

How to integrate Slack with Jenkins?

To integrate Slack with Jenkins, follow these steps:

  1. Install the Slack Notification Plugin:
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins.
    2. Search for Slack Notification Plugin and install it.
  2. Configure Slack:
    1. Go to your Slack workspace and create a new Incoming Webhook in the Slack app directory.
    2. Get the Webhook URL for the Slack channel where you want Jenkins notifications.
  3. Configure Jenkins:
    1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System.
    2. In the Slack section, enter the webhook URL and other Slack channel details.
    3. In the job configuration, check the Post build actions and select Slack Notifications.

How to mark an unstable build as failure in a Jenkins pipeline script?

You can mark a build as unstable or failed based on certain conditions using the currentBuild.result property.


pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

sh 'make build'



stage('Test') {

steps {

script {

def result = sh(script: '', returnStatus: true)

if (result != 0) {

currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'







In this example, if the test script returns a non-zero status, the build will be marked as a failure.

How would you handle different environments (dev, QA, prod) in a Jenkins pipeline?

Handling multiple environments in Jenkins can be achieved by parameterizing the pipeline and using conditional logic to deploy to different environments.


pipeline {

agent any

parameters {

choice(name: 'ENV', choices: ['dev', 'QA', 'prod'], description: 'Choose the environment')


stages {

stage('Deploy') {

steps {

script {

if (params.ENV == 'dev') {

sh ''

} else if (params.ENV == 'QA') {

sh ''

} else if (params.ENV == 'prod') {

sh ''







This pipeline allows selecting the environment before deploying and runs the corresponding deployment script.

How do you configure a Jenkins pipeline to deploy a WAR file?

You can configure a Jenkins pipeline to deploy a WAR file using the following steps:


  1. Build the WAR file using Maven or Gradle:

sh ‘mvn package’

  1. Deploy the WAR file:

sh ‘scp target/myapp.war user@server:/path/to/tomcat/webapps/’

  1. Restart Tomcat (if necessary):

sh ‘ssh user@server “systemctl restart tomcat”‘

How to archive artefacts in a Jenkins pipeline?

To archive artefacts in a Jenkins pipeline, use the archiveArtifacts step.


pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build') {

steps {

sh 'mvn package'

archiveArtifacts 'target/*.war'





This will store the WAR file from the build as an artefact.

For a core plugin, how can you deploy a custom build?

  1. Modify the plugin source code as needed.
  2. Build the plugin using Maven:

mvn clean install

  1. Deploy the plugin by copying the .hpi file to the JENKINS_HOME/plugins directory.
  2. Restart Jenkins to apply the changes.

How do you develop your own Jenkins plugins?

  1. Set up the environment: Install Java and Maven.
  2. Create a plugin project:

mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=io.jenkins.archetypes:

  1. Implement the plugin by editing the generated Java classes.
  2. Test the plugin locally using:

mvn hpi:run

  1. Deploy the plugin to Jenkins by building the .hpi file and installing it in Jenkins.

How can you use Jenkins with containers for continuous integration and delivery?

  1. Install Docker on the Jenkins server.
  2. Install the Docker Pipeline plugin.
  3. Define Docker steps in the Jenkins pipeline:
pipeline {

agent any

stages {

stage('Build Docker Image') {

steps {

script {'my-app-image')




stage('Run Tests') {

steps {

script {

docker.image('my-app-image').inside {

sh ''







How to secure sensitive data in Jenkins pipelines using credentials?

  1. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials and add credentials.
  2. Use the credentials in the pipeline using withCredentials:

withCredentials([string(credentialsId: ‘secret-id’, variable: ‘SECRET’)]) {

sh ‘echo $SECRET’


What is the best practice for managing Jenkins plugins in production environments?

  • Keep plugins up to date: Regularly update plugins to the latest versions to avoid security vulnerabilities.
  • Limit unnecessary plugins: Only install plugins that are essential for your CI/CD pipeline.
  • Test updates: Test plugin updates in a staging environment before deploying them to production.
  • Backup Jenkins: Ensure you have backups of your Jenkins home directory before installing or updating plugins.
  • Monitor plugin compatibility: Ensure plugins are compatible with your Jenkins version before upgrading.


Jenkins is a widely used automation tool that supports continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), making it crucial for modern software development. Its flexibility through pipelines and plugins allows teams to automate builds, testing, and deployments efficiently. Whether working with traditional Jenkins or Jenkins X for cloud-native environments, mastering its core features is essential.


Preparing for Jenkins interviews involves understanding key concepts like job configurations, pipeline scripting, and plugin management. By reviewing common interview questions, you can build a solid foundation to confidently discuss Jenkins workflows and showcase your expertise in automation and DevOps practices. Want to explore Jenkins in detail? Try Hero Vired’s Certificate Program in DevOps & Cloud Engineering, offered in collaboration with Microsoft.


